Saturday, February 13, 2016

Three Cups of Tea

Three Cups of Tea is not the kind of book that I normally read. Normally, I read fiction: science fiction and fantasy being my top two genres. One day, I saw this book lying around and decided that I would read the first few pages. Those pages hooked me, and I started reading a little each night until I had read it all.

This book did a few things for me, beyond entertainment:

  1. It helped me to have a more unbiased opinion of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the Muslim faith. I don't think of myself as someone who is prejudices or a bigot, and I tend to be accepting of other people, faiths, and cultures, but this helped to dispel some of the propaganda put out by the American media. This book showed me that there are good and bad Muslims, just as there are good and bad Christians, Buddhists, etc. 
  2. It helped me to realize that the best way to combat terrorism and extremism is through a balanced, non-extremist education. I would really like to help to fund the Central Asia Institute if I ever have enough money to do more than just provide for my family's needs.
  3. It made me want to be a more charitable person, working for causes beyond my own immediate needs and wants.
In short, I can highly recommend this book. It details the journey of a flawed man doing extraordinary things for some of the most needy people in the world, without much thought for his own safety or well-being. It is interesting and motivating. Pick it up today.

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