Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Adam's Venture. Episode I: The Search for the Lost Garden

Game Title: Adam's Venture. Episode I: The Search for the Lost Garden

Platform(s): PC

Stars (out of 5): 2.5 - 3.0

Content issues: No offensive material. It even has a biblical theme.

Brief Summary: Adam's Venture is basically a poor man's version of Indiana Jones or Uncharted. Adam is searching for The Garden of Eden and must solve a number of puzzles in the process.

Like: The puzzles are interesting and challenging enough to make them interesting. Unfortunately, there is a lot of repetition with the puzzles, and some are timing dependent, which is not good for this game.I enjoyed the background music as well.

Dislike: This game is not horrible, but it is also not good. The short explanation of the problem is that it lacks polish. It's more than that though. The game has some of the worst controls that I have ever used in a video game. You never know exactly which direction Adam will move in when a particular key is pressed unless you go ahead an press that key. Jumping is atrocious and you will often find Adam rebounding off of things that he can actually jump onto if you try hard enough. The character models are sub-par, the voice acting is cheesy, and there are really only a small number of puzzles which get repeated over and over with slight variations.

Replayability: I may end up removing this criterion from my reviews, because it is very subjective and what replayability is, is up for debate (plus, it's not even in the dictionary). This game has extremely low replayability. Frankly, it was kind of hard to get through the first time and the annoyances, repetitious puzzles, and low quality of the game make it not worth revisiting.

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